John O Foods Inc. Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
John O Foods Inc. is committed to fostering an inclusive and accessible environment for all individuals, including those with disabilities. This Accessibility Plan outlines our dedication to identifying, preventing, and removing barriers in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontario’s with Disabilities Act (AODA) and other relevant legislation.
1. Accessibility Plan:
Policy: We have established accessibility policies based on the principles of independence, dignity, integration, and equality of opportunity for persons with disabilities.
Training: All employees receive accessibility training during orientation and as policies evolve and annually during refresher training.
Communication: Upon request, we provide information in accessible formats and consult with individuals to determine suitable formats.
2. Information and Communication:
Accessible Formats: We commit to providing information in accessible formats promptly upon request.
Website Accessibility: We strive to ensure our website is accessible, with ongoing efforts to meet or exceed the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards.
3. Recruitment & Employment:
Recruitment: We accommodate persons with disabilities during the recruitment, assessment, and selection process.
Accommodation: Employees with disabilities receive support through individual accommodation and return-to-work plans when requested.
4. Facilities and Temporary Disruptions:
Notification: In the event of temporary disruptions to facilities, we make reasonable efforts to provide advance notice, including information about the facilities affected, reason for the disruption, and anticipated duration. When disruptions occur, JOF will provide notice by posting notices at the main entrance and/or contacting affected individuals.
Accessibility Features: We assess and implement accessibility features in our facilities.
5. Feedback Process:
Process: Individuals providing feedback can do so in writing, email, or by telephone.
Response Time: We commit to responding to written correspondence within 10 business days, unless agreed otherwise.
Contact Information:
Phone: (519) 825-4673
Email: info@johnofoods.com
Mail: John O Foods inc.
PO Box 869, 827 Drovers Road,
Wheatley, ON N0P 2P0
6. Modifications to Policies:
Review: We regularly review our policies to ensure they align with the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities.
7. Workplace Emergency Response Information:
Policy: JOF provides individualized workplace emergency information to employees with disabilities.
Training: All employees receive accessibility training during health and safety orientation and as policies evolve and annually during refresher training.
Communication: Upon request, we provide information in accessible formats and consult with individuals to determine suitable formats.
Review and Update:
This Multi-Year Accessibility Plan will be reviewed and updated at least every 5 years or as changes require to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with any changes in legislation or company practices.
Date of Adoption: Dec 14th, 2023
Next Review Date: Dec 1st, 2024
John O Foods Inc. is dedicated to continuously improving accessibility, and we welcome feedback and suggestions from our community. Together, we can create an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone.